Online Yoga and Mindfulness classes

Somatic Yoga for embodied living

Online Yoga Classes

Online Yoga classes UK are run from London for the wider community and offer you a safe, nurturing space for you to enjoy being in your body and to find your inner spaciousness and balance.  This could be rediscovering life in your little toe, or a sense of feeling more present and alive. Each session is designed to move you gently and deeply.

Online Yoga Classes

I will give you clear and accessible instructions and give individual guidance so long as I can see you!  The The Yoga postures are taught with sensitivity and I encourage you to enjoy moving and being in your body.  I combine elements of Energy Medicine and Mindfulness as I guide you through the yoga movements. Each session is based on a theme which gives a focus to how we work. Through balancing your posture and gentle deep movement, your aches and pains are eased and those forgotten corners in your body are embraced.

 Scroll down to book your TRY OUT session.

Online Somatic Meditation

This one hour class combines gentle movement and breath-work with meditation and a short  non-compulsory sharing of experience at the end.  The yoga movement is  accessible for all levels of ability. This gentle preparation will enable you breathe and sit with yourself with ease. This class is about developing the ability to be present with yourself and your experience.

Each week we will do a specific meditation  This is a restorative and exploratory session designed to bring you home to your senses and to guide you to your natural inner spaciousness. 

Meditations include simple breath awareness; working with the felt sense in the body; dealing with anxiety and difficult emotions, Tara Brach’s RAIN; and simply learning to be at home with ourselves and our thinking mind.  With some practice, quiet moments will naturally arise, allowing room for the heart to open and soften.  As we become more present to life, our compassionate awareness emerges, both for ourselves and others.  

Scroll down to book your TRY OUT session.

Class Times

Somatic Yoga

MONDAY:  7.30-9pm.  

WEDS: 9.30-11am

Somatic Meditation

THURSDAY:  5.30-6.30pm

How to book your class

I run block booking with set dates.  When you book and pay for the block please tell me dates you cannot attend and you do not pay for them. Recordings are on offer if you miss a session you have paid for.  

Your email will be placed on a mailing list and you will receive a zoom invite each week and a short write up on the class.  You can unsubscribe at anytime.

To Try Out a class, use the PayPal button below and also contact me on my CONTACT page.  

If you then want to proceed  after your try out session, I will give you my bank details and dates and you can then book sessions in advance for Yoga or Meditation.  


PLEASE DO YOUR BEST TO TURN UP 5 MINUTES EARLY so we can start together on time. It is lovely to say hello before we start.
Basic yoga equipment is very helpful. A mat and ideally, four foam blocks.  Yogamatters do lovely coloured foam blocks and mats. Even Eco mats! Please follow this link:

Online Yoga uk class showing Pippa making a stretch for spleen and lungs
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