YOGA CLASSES Crouch End and Muswell Hill.
These daytime Yoga classes, Crouch End and Muswell Hill are run with great care and attention for your health and safety. Beginners and those with more experience are welcome to all classes. Each session is taught in response to who is there and all classes are friendly and informal with fun slipped into our practice.
Embodied Yoga – is a gentle and deep working somatic practice, great for both men and women. Each session offers a safe, nurturing space for you to come home to your body and feel what is happening. This could be rediscovering life in your little toe, stretching out a tension you didn’t know you had or a sense of feeling more present and alive.
All the sessions typically begin with somatic floor work to ease out tensions and bring you in touch with your body and breath. As we start to move and stretch in the Yoga poses, we weave in elements of Energy Medicine, natural movement and Mindfulness. We have a theme for each session which gives us a focus and intention to how it feels and how we work. This is an accessible and enjoyable approach, with a steady pace suitable for all levels.
The women’s class is tailored to the needs of those present, but the emphasis is on creating a safe space where women can really allow themselves to feel, centre themselves and recharge. For more information about the teaching, click here: Women’s Yoga Class

Yoga Classes Muswell Hill
Women's yoga class - general Level
MONDAY 1.30pm – 3pm
CUFOS Community Centre
Top of the Avenue
Muswell Hill, N10 2QE.
Parking is available in local roads and please bring your own blanket, Mat and blocks to this session. Let me know if you need to borrow some equipment when you begin.
Map of venue in Muswell Hill, N10
Yoga Classes Crouch End
Men and Women, general Level
TUESDAY 11.15 -12.30pm Yoga with Pippa
Crouch End Fitness Centre, Tottenham Lane N8 8SG.
The entrance is on Elmfield Ave.
There is local CPZ so please check restriction times. All equipment is provided and all booking is made through the website listed below.
Men and Women, general Level.
WEDNESDAY 11.30-12.45pm Embodied Yoga
Shiva Shakti Studios, 137 Tottenham Lane, N8 9BJ
There is local CPZ so please check restriction times. All equipment is provided and all booking is made through the website listed below.
Maps of Venues in Crouch End, N8
HOW TO BOOK your Yoga classes Crouch End and Muswell Hill.
Women's yoga class Muswell Hill
Yoga for Women is a booking in advance class only. You are welcome to drop in to try out the class by using the paypal button below. If you enjoy the class then you can book with me for a block of 6 classes@£84.
General Yoga Classes Crouch End
TUESDAY – 11.15-12.30pm. Bookings can be made at
WEDS 11.30-12.45pm Bookings can be made at
It is possible to turn up on the day and book yourself in. Drop in rates and memberships are available at both studios. Please ask for concessions at the studios if needed.
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